Don't Over-Do It. – The Clothing Warehouse

Don't Over-Do It.

"Selvedge" Denim, Cuffed.
Walking the sartorial tightrope while making a statement is a tough job. There is a very fine line between sensible style and going overboard. We have observed this dilemma in selvedge denim - when shuttle-loom denim took over like a invasive weed. A plain pair of work-wear dungarees was not enough. There were vests, chore aprons, capes and briefcases replete with white and red turned edges. Cuffs, my God, the cuffs.
Peaky Blinders.
There’s “Peaky Blinders Style” - this is a thing, a hashtag, and of course, a lifestyle. Pervasive as film cultures can be, we have never seen “Indiana Jones Style” or “Jack Sparrow Style” as it would be unconventional and downright silly to fold a bullwhip into your EDC (oh, that), or to don a petticoat and buckled boots for your meeting with the bank manager. However, dressing in the style of 1920’s Birmingham Gangsters is very real. If this is your thing - go for it. I have a friend who swears by this style and yes, his intentions are questioned daily - Are you an actor? Do you work for a theme-park? WHY are you dressed this way? (He’s has good answers
DeNiro as Frank Serpico with classic M65 Field Jacket.
Then there’s military style, the finest fashion demarcation line of all. The golden rule of military-wear is to limit yourself to one piece per outfit. Do not mix generations or divisions, and please do not deck yourself head to toe in tactical gear. Looking like Frank Serpico in a vintage field jacket is perfect classic and functional homage style.
Vintage fashion is a concept. Especially in a modern climate riddled with disposable trash clothing. The trend model is upside down - big houses are knocking trends off in weeks before moving to the next hot, cheap thing. Some would even say “vintage” is actually dead - and that only “fashion” remains. Whatever your style may be, do it right and be thorough and assembled. Nobody should be wearing a costume, leave that to the clowns.

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