Inspiration Through Color

Inspiration Through Color

Every day, you’re faced with the same question: What should I wear? It’s so easy to scroll through Instagram or Pinterest and feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of outfit inspiration. Pages and pages of every aesthetic imaginable, seasonal trend predictions, and fashion influencers telling you what’s “in” can make it all feel oversaturated.

Instead of finding a picture of an outfit you like and copying it exactly, we challenge you to take a step back and find inspiration in something as simple as color. Outfit ideas don’t have to come solely from fashion content—you can draw inspiration from interior design, graphic design, everyday objects, or even nature. To show you what we mean, we’ll pull color combinations from three images and bring them to life through outfits.


Outfit #1: Forest Green / Burgundy / Gold

The first outfit pulls inspiration from this old book cover. Graphic design is a great source of inspiration since these colors were specifically chosen to create a visually pleasing design, which can translate well when applied to clothing.


Outfit #2: Blue / Brown / Tan

The second outfit pulls inspiration from a common household object, a lamp! The vibrant blue pleated shade paired with the warm wood base makes for a simple yet bold color palette with the pop of blue.


Outfit #3: Baby Pink / Taupe / Gray

The last outfit pulls inspiration from a makeup palette. We're not just looking at the colors of the makeup itself, but also the matte silver case it's in and the white and brown bristles of the brushes.


Approaching fashion this way offers a fresh perspective and can help you discover your signature style. What colors are you naturally drawn to—not just in clothing, but in everyday life?

If you love any of the vintage pieces featured, they’re available now on our website!

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1 comment

I absolutely love this! Such a unique way to find outfit inspiration.


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